Saturday, April 07, 2007

Statements Containing Fundamental Character

Okay, I’ve decided since only ti knew a couple of these words, I should put up the definitions. And thanks for the contributions, Megan, Kiyotoe, FC and ti. I looked them up if I didn’t know the meaning & have added them to the list here.

Priapic- 1. Of, relating to, or resembling a phallus; phallic.
2. Relating to or overly concerned with masculinity.

Bifurcated- To divide into two parts or branches.

Paroxysm- 1. A sudden outburst of emotion or action: a paroxysm of laughter.
2. a. A sudden attack, recurrence, or intensification of a disease.
b. A spasm or fit; a convulsion.

Extirpate- 1. To pull up by the roots.
2. To destroy totally; exterminate. See Synonyms at abolish.

Troglodyte- a. A member of a fabulous or prehistoric race of people that lived in caves.
b. A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.

Ciliate- Having cilia:
1. A microscopic hairlike process extending from the surface of a cell or unicellular organism. Capable of rhythmical motion, it acts in unison with other such structures to bring about the movement of the cell or of the surrounding medium.
2. An eyelash.
3. Botany: One of the hairs along the margin or edge of a structure, such as a leaf, usually forming a fringe.

Clerihew- A humorous verse, usually consisting of two unmatched rhyming couplets,
about a person whose name generally serves as one of the rhymes.

Nimiety- Superfluity; excess.

Lateritious- from Latin latericius (made of brick): brick-red

Agamist- from Greek a(without) gamos(union): an unmarried person

Bibulous- 1. Given to or marked by the consumption of alcoholic drink: a bibulous fellow;
2. Very absorbent, as paper or soil.

Mome- A stupid, doltish person; blockhead, fool.

Tatterdemalion (Excellent word!)- A person wearing ragged or tattered clothing;

Defenestration (got to love it)- An act of throwing someone or something out of a

Discursive- 1. Covering a wide field of subjects; rambling.
2. Proceeding to a conclusion through reason rather than intuition.

Heteronormativity (this wasn’t even in my dictionary, but on wikipedia):
the perceived reinforcement of certain beliefs by many social
institutions and policies.

Toper (ha!)- A chronic drinker.

***Dragon, yours were good, but I’m a painter (triptych) and a technician (lavaliere mics) who doesn’t like to equivocate. I just happened to know them all!


Writer Bug said...

I really like paroxysm. I'm going to use that one somehow...

TI said...

I have to comment that wikepedia's def. of heteronormativity is in adequate. Heteronormativity is the assumption of heterosexuality as the social norm and standard, rendering other lifestyles virtually invisible. It also contributes to the assumption that other choices are somehow deviant. Feminists spend a lot of time talking about the oppressive features of this implicit cultural assumption. Anyway, it's a great word that captures a lot! Thanks for including it. It's not as fun as toper, of course.

TI said...

ok, having just checked the def of heteronormativity in wik, I see that I was unfair. It's just that the def is incomplete wihtout specifying the beliefs that cause the trouble!

Kiyotoe said...

aww man, see, i knew you guys were too smart for me around here. I'm gone.

but i too really like Paroxysm and will figure out some way to use it.

Now I'm gone.

Repeater said...

Thanks for clearing that up, ti. I shouldn't have shortchanged the word! Heteronormavity was a stumper- and says alot, now that we've got the whole picture.
Dragon, aw, it's okay.
Personally, I'm partial to Priapic. Hmmm.

Idiot Cook said...

"Priapic" must have the same root that "priapism" has.

Wanna know what "priapism" means? It's the condition that the Cialis and Viagra commercials caution users about: the four-hour erection--priapism is the clinical name for the condition (don't ask me how I know this).

Repeater said...

That is funny, FC, that you know this.