Sunday, February 11, 2007

And I'm Back

Well, as usual, I’m having difficulty keeping up with blogging on top of the rest of my life. But now that I have a breather I want to write a little bit about what has gone on with me in the past weeks in regards to my writing.
Something clicked, and it wasn’t a malfunctioning cog in my brain, it was a synthesis. Suddenly I felt able to take a step back from my work and cut, cut, cut all of those questionable sentences, all of those thoughts that nagged at me. In the past I have clung to beautiful sounds and brilliant ideas even if they did not make for a good story. As it turns out, I may be learning something after all. And what I believe I am learning is a little bit of control: how to take a piece and point it—not in the direction that I wanted it to go, but in the direction the story needs to go.

Now, we’ll see what happens when I get my packet back, but for now I’m going to kick back and ride on the high of thinking that I very well might be able to do this after all.


TI said...

It's so good to have you back and to hear that you're feeling good about the work. Letting the story "go there" - what a great feeling!

Idiot Cook said...

You can definitely do this, Repeater! "Kill your darlings!"--sounds like you've been doing that, which ain't easy to do.

Glad to have you back...and the reclining roo had me laughing out loud.

Writer Bug said...

Sounds like you had an awesome time of it! I'm slightly jealous because, well, I didn't have such an awesome time this month. But c'est la vie, I guess. I am definitely happy for you though! And you should be proud, and give yourself some time to relax like that 'roo! (Hope this post doesnt' sound all melodramatic and self centered. I swear that's not how I mean it!)