Thursday, October 05, 2006

Moon through the Trees

I have been so busy and the moon is so bright, I could not help but get up tonight to say a little something. My brain has been swimming with physiological terms. My mind has been tripping with settings for stories. My body's exhausted and I can’t come to terms with needing so much sleep.
It is time to bed down for winter, and out here in the Northwest, that means cutting and piling wood, getting anything that might have a chance to rust or mold under cover. We seal our houses against the coming rains, every day telling ourselves this might be the last sunny day.
But global warming is making a play for dominance. We’ve had two rainy days in a month. My new dogwood tree is protesting the drought and the rhododendron droops. I can feel the dryness in my bones, in my skin that begs for moisturizer.
I’ve accomplished so much over the last few weeks; I may not know what to do with myself once the rains come. I probably shouldn’t be worried. This life is so full.


TI said...

Repeater, you have a gift for conveying the "ordinary" as heartbreakingly beautiful. Your prose has the impact of poetry.

Congrats on all of your accomplishments over the past weeks.
My guess is that when the rain comes, you will write.

This life IS full.

Kiyotoe said...

I agree with everything "ti" has stated.

And life is better full than empty in my book.

Idiot Cook said...

Wow! I absolutely adore the energetic melancholy of this piece (yeah, I know that's an oxymoron and not even a real term, but I'm knee-deep in my submission, so I know you'll understand). This is fabulous writing, Repeater.

Full Harvest Moon last night. Always makes me sad. I loathe winter.

TI said...

I love the painting that you have added to your profile. Yours, no doubt. Beautiful work.

Repeater said...

Thanks all. You flatter me. Yes, it's my painting ti. It's a self-portrait from a photograph taken when I was in college and was studying Baharata Natyum, and east indian dance. Little by little we get to know each other. (Also notice I've given credit on the quote you asked about) Hope you're almost done submissions!