Monday, January 15, 2007

I wanted to upload a photo but of course blogger is giving me trouble

A long week of seminars and workshops. I want to tell you there are some smart people out there. They are witty and wise and are doing their best to cram information into this thick skull. I am hoping that just walking around in Cambridge is enough to soak my skin with some liquid intelligence. But while I was walled in my ecru tower it appears the global political scene exploded once again. What are we doing invading an embassy? Has the whole world gone mad? Are there no rules that our power-monger of a president will not break? He’s a spoiled child who wants his candy. He’s the angst-ridden teenager that didn’t get enough love from his father so he’s going to rob the liquor store just to show his family. Just to show them. (Oh, a distraction for a moment- some cuddly cuddly panda’s on the news. Are they the cutest?) I’m on the web trying to find out exactly what happened with all this and it’s darn near impossible. Now our military’s shameless behavior is buried in the news of some kidnapped boys being returned to their homes- fantastic in itself, but I feel so out of touch. What’s going on when there is snow in the Northwest and children are hanging themselves because of a publicized execution? I’m all muddled up and jumping from thought to thought. I’m hopping on a plane once again, gaining a couple of hours that I’m praying will give me the time I need to sort this all out.


Kiyotoe said...

trying to get a handle on the "state of the world" will drive you nuts for sure.

I try to remind myself not to get overly worked up over the things I have no control...... but to not care at all?

impossible isn't it?

TI said...

Love your new look. I was worried you were going to bail but you seem to have renewed energy for the blog. It was soooo great to see you last week. Good luck in sorting out the state of the world.

Writer Bug said...

If you figure it out, let me know... I'm way confused, too.

Sara said...

Just wanted to say how lovely it was to see you last week.

Gili Warsett said...

yea!!! i linked to your blog and will keep checking in hopes that you'll post soon.