Thursday, March 01, 2007

Already Bitter?

Here I find myself in the Lone Star State once again, feeling indeed a little bit lonely, a little forlorn driving around a town where I know about six people that I met last time I was here. People with lives of their own, people who want me to go have a drink with them after work but, to be truthful, we have so very little in common that I’m glad to have my schoolwork as an excuse to bail out. I may be missing an opportunity here to find that spark of human interest (perhaps a character study?) but the fact is I’ve known these guys. I’ve known hundreds of stagehands and industry workers and it is the rare fellow indeed who makes a comment of interest to me. Oh, there have been a few: the pot-smoking guitar tech that would find literary quotes and post them on his work box. After the tour was over I’d send him postcards with definitions of rarely used words. There was the electrician who was also a photographer and met each day with such joy, I couldn’t help but be elated by his contagious smile—and he liked to play Scrabble. We were immediate friends. Unfortunately, those fellows are few and far between here. I don’t like to be a snob, but I like even less wasting my time. I don’t want to go to the bar, to see a game, read industry mags about the latest technology or play video games. I don’t like being backstage at concerts and I don’t think this is the coolest job ever. I’m not interested in who you’ve worked for. If that’s all you’ve got to say to me, I’d rather not here it. Uh oh. I told myself I’d have a good attitude this week if I took this job. I better get moving on this writing thing.


TI said...

Sounds like you don't want to be there. I have trouble even picturing you in that "crowd". Hang in there Repeater.

Writer Bug said...

LOL. You don't like to play video games??? What's up with that. I love the idea of sending random words on post cards. I just may start doing that. So if you get one with a JP post office mark, it's not from your other friend here. :) Good luck toughing it out.

Kiyotoe said...

what you need is a Dragon in your life to hang out with. So we can get philisophical and weigh ponderous matters in an attempt to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and this ephemeral time we call life.........

naaaaaahhh,I love video games.

Idiot Cook said...

There's no bigger incentive to write than a day job you hate.

Take notes and consider it part of a character study...there's gotta be a story (or two or three) there.

Hang in there, Repeater!