Saturday, September 16, 2006

What Are You Talking About??

So hard to get going with it sometimes. Can’t think of a thing I’d want to blog about, mind so muttled, head so gaga with the floor fumes (we’ve tiled and sealed with a deadly concoction- the bottle didn’t say “don’t try to live in your house for a week because you won’t be able to breathe”. It said “dry enough to walk on in four hours”) I can’t manage a discussion about a dream or debate about a dongle. You know there’s actually a piece of equipment called a dongle? It’s a computer piece that you plug into a lighting board to make a certain program work. Who knows this kind of thing?

Apparently a lot of people- I’ve just discovered the American Heritage Dictionary defines dongle as:
A hardware device that serves as copy protection for certain software by rendering the software inoperable when the device is not plugged into a printer port.

I didn’t think it was a real word. The name makes me laugh—dongle. Sounds dirty. I am rambling today because I’m fried from working and slaving away on the house. Yesterday I bought a new pantry door on my lunch break. Some day I’m hoping we can afford to have someone else do the manual labor on our home improvements. But until then, I’m happy to come from sturdy New England Protestant stock that has afforded me a solid build and able hands.

Oh, coherency, please pay me a visit.


TI said...

Repeater, your stream of consciousness is fun to read. Thanks for sharing about dongles. I just learned something new! TI

Writer Bug said...

I hear ya about home improvements! I often wish I knew more about this stuff, but then I realize that I'd never actually like to have to use that knowledge! That stuff is amazingly time consuming. Nice post! Hope you get to relax soon.

TI said...

Where does: "If those committed to the quest fail, they will be forgiven" come from? did you write it? There is something really ominous and comforting in it at the same time. I love it.

Bibi said...

LOL, there must have been something in the air this week.